The Innerbelt Bridge in Cleveland
Innerbelt Bridge – Phase I
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Whitacre Rebar was one of the main suppliers on the Innerbelt Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio. This truss arch bridge allows Interstate 90/Innerbelt Freeway to cross the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland.
When the bridge was first built in 1959, it was the widest bridge in Ohio, measuring approximately 117 feet. In November 2008, inspectors used computer analysis to find that the bridge was structurally unsafe. All commercial trucks were order to use alternate routes. In 2010, we and other team members contracted to reconstruct the bridge.
The biggest challenge in this project was keeping up with the high demand for rebar at the site. The large project required multiple crews and many hours to complete. We were able to communicate and coordinate to meet the schedule.
“The contractor (Walsh Construction), project manager, myself, and Mohawk Rebar all worked together to make the construction go as smoothly and efficiently as possible,” Barb Kibler, the detailer for the project, said.
When the bridge was finished, the crew had an impressive view of Cleveland’s downtown region and the Indians baseball stadium. Now commercial trucks and other traffic can safely use the bridge. It’s exciting to see the project completed!
The Innerbelt Bridge in Cleveland, Ohio is a truss arch bridge that carries Interstate 90/Innerbelt Freeway across the Cuyahoga River. Whitacre Rebar was a main part of the team that replaced the bridge.
Highway and Bridge Construction